We are happy to see clients in or out of network.

Accepted Insurances

Our practice manager will work with you to determine and verify your insurance coverage before your first session.

In-network providers include:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO

  • Aetna PPO


What if I am not using insurance?

We are happy to see you and want you to know that you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. To learn more, click here.

How can I confirm that my insurance covers the cost of therapy?

Call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask: “Is [therapist or practice’s name] in network with [insurance plan]?”

  • If “yes,” ask the following questions:

    • “Do I have a deductible?”

    • “ How much of it has been met?”

    • What is my per session rate ( copay or coinsurance)?

  • If “no,” ask the following questions:

    • Do I have out of network benefits?

    • What percentage am I reimbursed for behavioral healthcare out of network?

As a courtesy, Thrive Postpartum, Couples and Family Therapy will attempt to verify and file your claim with your insurance carrier. Please note, verification is only an explanation of benefits based upon information that we received from your insurance carrier. It is not a guarantee of payment.  

If you are out of network, we will email you a suber bill after your appointment that you can submit to your insurance company to receive reimbursement.

Does insurance cover couples therapy?

Most insurance plans will only cover “medical” illness and therefore do not pay benefits for couples therapy. Contact your insurance company directly to ask if you have coverage for couples therapy.  Be sure to ask for details about in-network versus out-of-network coverage.  If you or your partner are dealing with anxiety, depression, and or another mental health illness than insurance can most likely be used.